CSAC Finance Corporation Webinars
Upcoming Webinar Schedule
Past Webinars

March 23rd, 2023
11:00AM – 12:00PM
Please join CSAC Finance Corporation, Treasury Curve and special guests, Jim Palmer, Chief Investment Officer at U.S. Bancorp Asset Management and Marty Kerger, Head of Financial Intermediary Sales at U.S. Bancorp Asset Management, for a conversation on the current markets and how to manage your liquidity in the current interest rate environment. Treasury Curve will also provide Benchmarking for your short-term funds to assist with optimizing your liquidity funds.
Join this session to learn about relevant information to help gain insight to help manage your investments and liquidity. Topics will include:
- Update on the Current Market Environment
- Investment Strategies to Optimize your Liquidity Management
- Benchmarking to Assist with Investment Selection

Even Counties Are Doing It Now
Discover why there’s no better time for modernizing government operations, and how Tuolumne County, CA is leading change.
February 23rd, 2022
10:00AM – 11:00AM
Workforce turnover, increasing (internal and public) demand for greater efficiency, better service levels, and fuller transparency are leading many counties to rethink their processes and technology. Join our live webinar and change the way your county works and serves amidst these forces of change.
For Tuolumne County, CA the road to modernization began with the budget. The County was looking to transform the way that the budget process was run to enable departments to make better decisions and for everyone to have timely and relevant data at their fingertips. The County was also looking to tell a better story to the public when it came to the budget. With the success in budgeting, the County moved to modernize permitting and procurement, too.
Join this session with Eric Erhardt, Assistant County Administrator for Tuolumne County, CA to learn how to lead change for your administration, including:
- How to transform a traditional, centralized budget process to be more efficient, strategic, and collaborative across departments.
- Which online budget book attributes earn GFOA distinction, and lessons on building an online budget book from Tuolumne County.
- How to modernize permitting and procurement processes to improve operational efficiency and transparency for applicants and suppliers/vendors.

The CSAC Finance Corporation partnered with Public Surplus to facilitate County owned surplus sales and Real Estate auctions at a new low rate. Through this program all California Counties will receive massive savings on all online auction sales that are done through the new CSAC Public Surplus accounts. It’s the Same Public Surplus platform with added and negotiated savings for all CSAC members. Register now to begin receiving your discounts!
About Public Surplus:
Public Surplus has grown to become the largest Government Auction service in the United States. Recently, Public Surplus was awarded the Nation-wide NASPO Value point Contract that all Counties in the State are able to use! The Public Surplus experience and innovative online portal will help Counties streamline their Surplus and tax sale processes that counties are obligated to perform.

July 21st, 2022 at 10:00am
This is your opportunity to benefit your community and add value to your counties treasury management process. Join us for a special 30-minute webinar to learn more about how Treasury Curve can optimize your treasury processes and save staff time while giving back to your communities.
Background: Treasury Curve was founded by a team of financial and technology innovators all-too-familiar with the pain treasury professionals face each day: How to efficiently manage both cash and investments, maximize idle cash and ensure compliance within strict company guidelines. The result is a total solution designed to help you optimize your treasury, while giving you precious time back to optimize other areas in your finance and treasury areas. technology solution provides public agencies a way to efficiently manage both cash and investments, maximize idle cash and ensure your compliance with your guidelines. The result is a total solution designed to help you optimize your treasury, while giving you precious time back to optimize other areas in your finance and treasury areas.

March 10th, 2022 at 11:00am
Treasury Curve’s technology solution provides public agencies a way to efficiently manage both cash and investments, maximize idle cash and ensure your compliance with your guidelines. The result is a total solution designed to help you optimize your treasury, while giving you precious time back to optimize other areas in your finance and treasury areas.

Feb 24, 2022 09:00 AM.
Please join CalTRUST for Coffee with CalTRUST to learn about the CalTRUST features and funds including:
– CalTRUST 101 – Learn the history and the features of CalTRUST
– CalTRUST Fund Options and Current Positioning
– Mini Market Update by BlackRock
This webinar is a great opportunity for existing shareholders to invite their staff or elected officials to learn about CalTRUST as well as for those agencies that don’t already participate with CalTRUST to learn about the funds and features that CalTRUST offers. In addition to speakers from CalTRUST staff and BlackRock, you will hear from your public agency peers on how and why they invest assets with CalTRUST.
All attendees will receive a $10 Starbucks gift card to thank you for sharing part of your morning with us!
This session will be held in conjunction with the CSAC Finance Corporation and attendees can receive 1.0 continuing education hours for participating. As always, the webinar is offered at no-cost and is available to both existing Shareholders as well as any public agency who does not already invest with CalTRUST.

During this 30-minute presentation, three+one’s Senior Vice President, Garrett Macdonald, will offer tips and tricks on how to streamline various functions of your finance department using innovative financial technology. The results of this technology may be hard and soft savings, increased credit rating, increased safety, and a consolidated view of all accounts. Considering the rising rate environment, you will not want to miss this opportunity to learn how to utilize technology to your office’s advantage, allowing you to generate more revenue with less output.

Assaf Frances, Director of Urban Policy, Zencity
Taylor Wolfe, Public Information Officer, Nevada County Executive Office

CalTRUST Presents: Market Risk & the Current Environment
Please join us for a webinar on September 9th at 10am with CalTRUST’s Investment Management team at BlackRock to discuss the ins and outs of market risk and its impact on short term investors. BlackRock’s Head of Short Duration Product Strategy, Ludwig Marek, will discuss key points of market risk including higher rates, rate impacts on net asset values, duration, weighted average maturity, and credit quality. He will include an update from the Fed’s Jackson Hole Symposium. The session will also include a Q&A where attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions directly to Ludwig.
This session will be held in conjunction with the CSAC Finance Corporation and attendees can receive 1.0 continuing education hours for participating. As always, the webinar is offered at no-cost and is available to both existing Shareholders as well as any public agency who does not already invest with CalTRUST.

Leverage Data and Technology to Increase the Value of Public Funds
This 20-minute webinar will demonstrate how your entity can leverage data and technology to formulate a strategy that increases the value of public funds. We will highlight important steps and tips that can be applied to stretch newly released ARPA funds to their greatest potential. In this rising rate environment, yield can be hard to find, however, this presentation will address the importance of liquidity and how it contributes to the safety and maximization of your tax dollars’ value in any market cycle.
Join Alex DeRosa and Kyle Metcalfe, from three+one on July 13th at 11:00 PST.

Easy Smart Pay – The New Way to Process Property Tax
Easy Smart Pay simplifies and modernizes the process of paying property tax in California. Easy Smart Pay already services four counties in California including Kings, San Luis Obispo, Solano and Yolo and is ready to bring the service to all California Counties. Join Jim Erb (Kings County Treasurer/Tax-Collector) and Alan Fernandes (CSAC Finance Corporation CEO) to learn more about this no cost opportunity.

Health Net & California Health and Wellness: CalAIM 101
CSAC is pleased to partner again with Health Net & California Health & Wellness to offer all county supervisors, staff and others an opportunity to hear more about the California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM) initiative through our upcoming CalAIM 101 webinar.
CalAIM is a new, multi-year initiative by the California Department of Health Care Services implementing broad delivery system, program and payment reform across the Medi-Cal program. All counties will play a role in CalAIM’s system transformation.
Please join us on June 23rd at 11:00am to hear more about the key features of CalAIM including the Enhanced Care Management (ECM) benefit and in lieu of services (ILOS) offerings, which are key features of Medi-Cal’s framework for addressing social determinants of health and improving health equity statewide. Medi-Cal managed care health plans (MCPs) will be responsible for administering both ECM and ILOS in close collaboration with counties.
Speakers will include: Martha Santa Chin, Government Programs Officer for Health Net of CA & California Health & Wellness; Sydney Turner, Manager of Health Policy for Health Net of CA & California Health & Wellness & Brianna Lierman, Regional Vice President, Centene.
- Introductions and Opening Remarks – Martha Santana-Chin
- CalAIM 101 – Sydney Turner
- Question & Answers
- Closing – Brianna Lierman

Coffee with CalTRUST
Thursday, May 6th @ 1:00PM
Please join us for Coffee with CalTRUST on May 6th at 1:00pm to learn about the CalTRUST features and funds including:
– CalTRUST 101 – Learn the history and the features of CalTRUST
– CalTRUST Fund LineUp and Current Positioning
– Mini Market Update by BlackRock
This webinar is a great opportunity for existing shareholders to invite their staff or elected officials to learn about CalTRUST as well as for those agencies that don’t already participate with CalTRUST to learn about the funds and features that CalTRUST offers. In addition to speakers from CalTRUST staff and BlackRock, you will hear from your public agency peers on how and why they invest assets with CalTRUST.
All attendees will receive a $10 Starbucks gift card to thank you for sharing part of your afternoon with us!
As always, the webinar is offered at no-cost and is available to both existing Shareholders as well as any California public agency or eligible entity who does not already invest with CalTRUST.
Can Counties and Cities get Along? EIFDs are a Start presented by Kosmont Companies
Thursday, April 29th @ 10:30AM
It’s a new era of local government cooperation; it starts with Tax Increment Financing sharing through an Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD). This relatively new tool has sprouted multiple EIFDs consisting of counties and cities, some of whom voluntarily joint ventured their property tax increment to induce transit-oriented development, housing and many other community amenities including parks and roadways. Learn how these flexible tax increment financing districts and local partnerships are put together and operate. Hear directly from County and City Officials on how they evaluated the decision to create a Public Financing Authority, how they are managing EIFD activities, and their current experience in putting these Districts to work to deliver community benefits and infrastructure improvements over time.
Speakers include:
Larry Kosmont, Chairman and CEO, Kosmont Companies
Doug Chaffee, Supervisor (4th District), Orange County and Placentia/OC EIFD Board member
Chad Wanke, City Councilmember, Placentia & Chair of Placentia/Orange County PFA Board
Matt Treber, Chief of Development Services, Madera County

CalAIM Coordinated Care Initiative
CalAIM is a multi-year initiative by the California Department of Health Care Services to improve the quality of life and health outcomes of our population by implementing broad delivery system, program and payment reform across the Medi-Cal program. CalAIM consists of both federal waivers and state-only proposals to simplify and streamline the Medi-Cal program, including county behavioral health, county social services eligibility functions, and initiatives focused on children, foster youth, and those who are homeless or incarcerated. The proposal builds upon prior successes in health care delivery, and proposes to provide more services and supports for patients with complex needs. Key goals of CalAIM include promoting whole person care, reducing program complexity, and modernizing systems.
CSAC is glad to partner with Health Net of California to offer county supervisors, staff and others an opportunity to hear about the entire CalAIM experience and how plans like Health Net are partnering with counties to achieve success and implement the changes to improve outcomes in the Medi-Cal system. The panel which includes representatives from Health Net, San Diego County, a Community Based Organization will share an overview of the Whole Person Care program, the Health Homes Program, and insights on the transition work under way to “lift and shift” whole person care and health homes program to Enhanced Care Management and In Lieu if Services to the Managed Care Plans under CalAIM.
Speaker include:
-Jennifer Tuteur , MD, FAAFP – Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Medical Care Services Division
-Amaris Sanchez – Program Coordinator
-George Scolari – Chair, Healthy San Diego, CalAIM Work Group
-Katherine Bailey – Executive Director, Neighborhood Networks
-Sydney Turner – Manager of Health Policy

Three+One presents “Data; The Key To Maximizing ARP Funding”
Your agency’s cash/liquidity position is likely to change due to the recent passage of the American Rescue Plan Act. New liquidity data opportunities will allow your public entity to maximize value on all taxpayer dollars. This webinar will focus on how to get a clear picture of your liquidity needs, how to use data to communicate those needs to internal & external stakeholders, and how to meld cash flow management into liquidity management.
Learning Outcomes:
-Learn what liquidity data is and how to use it in this new environment
-Investigate the impacts of an economic shock on your county’s liquidity position.
-Forecast liquidity to plan for different scenarios in 2021.
-Evaluate financial partners to maximize value for the taxpayers.
-Use data to share your county’s changing financial picture with stakeholders.
Links to learn more:

CSAC Coffee Connect – 2021 and the Shifting Landscape for Renewable Energy Policy
Both 2020 and 2021 thus far seem to be years that will be featured in the history books, particularly in the realm of policy.
Join us in this virtual event to learn about policies related to your County and renewable energy procurement.
Hosted by the California State Association of Counties, this webinar featuring ForeFront Power and SPURR will put you in-the-know about the latest developments on the following:
How do recent changes at the federal level impact decisions California counties might be looking to make regarding renewable energy?
What are the anticipated changes to California’s Net Energy Metering program, and how can my County stay ahead?
Are there incentives available to help my County prepare for what is likely to be another concerning wildfire season?
and more
The conversation will be one that you won’t want to miss.
Reserve your spot today! We’ll get the coffee brewing.

CalTRUST Presents: What Does BlackRock Think?
Please join us for a webinar to hear from CalTRUST’s Investment Management team at BlackRock to answer the often-asked question, “What does BlackRock think?” BlackRock’s Head of Short Duration Product Strategy, Ludwig Marek, will discuss the current market environment, the March Fed meeting, and provide an outlook for the coming months. The session will end with a Q&A where attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions directly to Ludwig.
This session will be held in conjunction with the CSAC Finance Corporation and attendees can receive 1.0 continuing education hours for participating. As always, the webinar is offered at no-cost and is available to both existing Shareholders as well as any public agency who does not already invest with CalTRUST.

CSCDA: Workforce Housing Program
Thursday, March 18th @ 11:00am PST
The California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA)’s Workforce Housing Program Provides Rent Relief for California’s Middle-Income Residents
State leaders, as well as individual cities and counties have also recognized a serious shortage of workforce housing for those that have been termed the “missing middle”, individuals and families that earn too much to qualify for traditional affordable housing, but not enough to afford market rate rents in the communities where they work. Workforce housing (sometimes referred to as middle-income or moderate-income housing) is housing for individuals and families typically earning between 80% and 120% of the area median income. Unfortunately, workforce housing for the “missing middle” is not eligible for tax credits, private activity bonds or most other federal, state or local government subsidies. Through CSCDA’s Workforce Housing Program, government bonds are issued to acquire market-rate apartment buildings. These properties are then converted to income and rent-restricted units for moderate/middle income households throughout California.
CSCDA is a joint powers authority founded and sponsored by the League of California Cities (“League”) and the California State Association of Counties (“CSAC”). CSCDA was created by the League and CSAC in 1988 to enable local government and eligible private entities access to low-cost, tax-exempt financing for projects that provide a tangible public benefit, contribute to social and economic growth and improve the overall quality of life in local communities throughout California. CSCDA is comprised of more than 530 cities, counties and special districts and has issued more than $65 billion in bonds across its diverse public benefit financing programs
Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) – Strategies for Rapid Implementation A playbook and digital solution for efficient and compliant program implementation
Presented by Witt O’Brien
Wednesday, February 10th @ 11:00am PST
Witt O’Brien’s and Unqork, in partnership with CSAC, are hosting a webinar focused on ERAP implementation strategies and solutions to meet Federal and state compliance. The webinar will address the following:
- Community assessment/outreach
- Program framework development
- Software solutions (created for rapid deployment and Treasury compliance)
- Call center/case management support
- Application review/processing
- Reporting

CSAC Finance Corporation presents cashvest by threeplusone
Thursday, January 7th @ 11:00am PST
Cashvest by threeplusone provides a new and unparalleled level of liquidity analysis and data services for local, county, school district and community college governing bodies. It uses proprietary algorithms to produce data-driven analysis and time-horizon evaluations that are applied to generate maximum value on current cash deposits.
Market Update & 2021 Preview
Tuesday, December 8th @ 12:00pm PST
Please join CalTRUST as they provide their final Market Update webinar of 2020. Ludwig Marek, Managing Director – Head of US Fixed Income Short Duration Product Strategy at BlackRock, will review our current market environment and what it means for our CalTRUST Funds’ positioning. We’ll also offer a glimpse into BlackRock’s outlook on 2021.
This session will be held in conjunction with the CSAC Finance Corporation and attendees can receive 1.0 continuing education hours for participating. As always, the webinar is offered at no-cost and is available to both existing Shareholders as well as any public agency who does not already invest with CalTRUST.
Engineered Infection Protection (EIP) for County Facilities with SitelogIQ
Thursday, December 3rd @ 11:00am PST
Learn how your County can help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in your facilities. Best of class technologies available that can effectively irradiate 99.4% of the COVID-19 causing virus with lowest first cost and lowest operating cost. Learn how to significantly reduce operating costs through intelligent facility and infrastructure upgrades to hedge against declining revenues in such unprecedented times.
How San Benito and Tuolumne County Modernized End-To-End Budgeting
Wednesday, December 2nd @ 11:00am PST
San Benito County transformed their budgeting process from start to finish to optimize for efficiency, collaboration, and the usefulness of the finalized budget. With the right combination of vision, stakeholder buy-in, and technology, the County saved valuable time throughout the process and finished by printing the County’s first online interactive budget book.
Watch this webinar to learn:
- How San Benito and Tuolumne County transformed their budgeting process in alignment with their vision
- How the Counties handled change management, and what value the new process brought their team
- The value of their online interactive budget book
- Best practices they learned along the way
Maximizing Federal Assistance: Seeking, Obtaining and Using CARES Act & Federal Assistance Funds
Friday, November 13th @ 11:30am PST
As counties have developed a more comprehensive picture of their funding needs related to COVID-19, accessing federal assistance programs for potential reimbursement will be key. Join the California State Association of Counties (CSAC) and experts from Witt O’Brien’s for part II of the Maximizing Federal Assistance webinar series. Now that the State of California has issued guidelines for the Treasury Funding under the CARES Act, Witt O’Brien’s experts will expand on Treasury Funding Guidelines, outline the steps you should take in anticipation of utilizing funds, and share key insights on other sources of funding to pursue to ensure your county is maximizing cost recovery opportunities.
Featured topics:
1. Strategy – Assessment, Implementation, Compliance
2. Procurement and Documentation Best Practices
3. Bridging The Financial Gap With Other Funding Opportunities
CalTRUST Webinar- Investment Terminology 101 and Market Update
Tuesday, October 20th @ 11:00am PST
Please join CalTRUST as they provide an educational webinar reviewing basic investment terminology to help you and your teams better understand investment reports. As they navigate through a discussion on terms such as net asset value, total return, 30 day SEC yield, weighted average life, and more they will apply these terms to the current market environment and weave in a market update to help you not only brush up on the terms but understand how their asset management team at BlackRock sees each of them related to the current market environment.
This session will be held in conjunction with the CSAC Finance Corporation and attendees can receive 1.0 continuing education hours for participating. As always, the webinar is offered at no-cost and is available to both existing Shareholders as well as any public agency who does not already invest with CalTRUST.
How Counties in California can simplify solar and energy storage procurement process through SPURR.
Thursday, October 15th @ 11:00am PST
ForeFront Power will cover different County procurement options (pros and cons) for simplifying solar and energy storage. They will show how to leverage an existing, state-wide RFP to secure market-leading rates and pre-negotiated contracts. They will explain how REAP with ForeFront Power SPURR works and how Counties can take advantage immediately. They will also review two county case studies, San Luis Obispo and Fresno County projects. In addition to simplifying the procurement process, their solar and storage projects offer turnkey energy solutions with no upfront costs for the County, fixed and flat electricity rates, value of federal tax credits, and operations and maintenance included.
P3’s for Counties: An Efficient Project Delivery
Thursday, September 17th @ 11:30am PST
This webinar will serve as an educational session on the pivotal role Public-Private Partnerships (P3s) can play in fast tracking construction of municipal projects, to include private financing, design-build, and maintenance options. The session will be interactive, enabling conversation with a leading group of experts. Discussion will focus on project suitability, value for money analysis that includes a public sector comparator of traditional delivery, launching a procurement process, developing a project agreement, preparing for success, project bundling, establishing performance requirements and other factors necessary when considering a P3 delivery approach for your municipal project or projects. PBBC firms participating in the workshop will include concessionaires, developers, architects/engineers, contractors, legal and financial advisors, and other public officials.
A recording of this webinar is available here.
Engage your employees in their health with Rally!
Wednesday, September 2nd @ 11:00am PST
Join us for an overview on employee engagement and health program promotion! This session will cover thoughtful and engaging ways of capturing health information used to provide your employees areas of improvement, and personalized recommendations across many health actions. We will cover everything from registration, to challenges, program promotion, rewards and ways to promote your high impact health management tools in an engaging way.
Your presenter will be Brian Oss, Vice President of Solution Consulting at Optum/Rally Health. Brian has been leading platform consulting for Optum and Rally for almost a decade and has been a leader in the consumer engagement and loyalty space for 25 years across many industries, including financial services and retail and professional sports.
A recording of this webinar is available here.
COVID-19 Adaptation & Recovery: Strategies for Leveraging Local Revenue, Federal Grants & Cost Containment
Thursday, August 20th @ 11:00am PST
In these unprecedented times, counties and municipalities need innovative and strategic options for leveraging resources to adapt and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Join KPMG for a discussion on recommended tactics for aligning federal COVID-19 funding relative to unmet and emerging needs, unlocking revenue from retailored and new economic opportunities, and instituting cost containment and other resiliency measures to maintain critical social, justice, public health, and infrastructure centered programming and assets.
Slides are available to view here.
AON Empowered Decision Making: Using Modeling Tools & Best Practices to Respond to Dynamic Conditions
Thursday, July 23, 2020 @ 1:00 pm PST
In this interactive session, the Aon team will share insights to help public sector entities navigate the COVID-19 landscape. In addition to providing real-time COVID-19 impact results, Aon will share a preview of our solutions to help public sector entities in California leverage data to make strategic decisions surrounding workforce, including benefits costs, time off, and paid leave. The session will also offer clinical insights from Aon’s Chief Medical Officer and best practices for returning to the workplace.
Slide are available to view HERE
Coffee with CalTRUST
Wednesday, July 22, 2020 @ 11:00am PST
Learn about the CalTRUST features and funds including:
– CalTRUST 101
– CalTRUST Fund LineUp and Current Positioning
– Market Update by BlackRock
This webinar is a great opportunity for existing shareholders to invite their staff or elected officials to learn about CalTRUST as well as for those agencies that don’t already participate with CalTRUST to learn about the funds and features that CalTRUST offers.
Thank you to BlackRock for providing CalTRUST investment management services and education programs!
Slide are available to view HERE
Health Data for COVID Recovery Decision Making – A Snapshot of Anthem’s C19 Explorer Tool
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
Learn about Anthem’s new C19 Explorer dashboard that uses a unique breadth of localized data to support citizens and leaders as they navigate recovery in a COVID-19 era. C-19 Explorer is available to the public, elected, and appointed officials in an effort to strengthen data-driven decision-making using the most up-to-date health data. In a rapidly changing environment, access to critical data drives effective recovery for community, economic and social health. The C19 Explorer creates powerful visualizations of actionable metrics tailored to the local level.
A recording of this webinar is available here.
Jobs, Skills and the Future of Work
Thursday, May 21, 2020
CSAC and LinkedIn hosted a webinar Thursday, May 21, focusing on “Jobs, Skills and the Future of Work.” The session discussed employment and economic recovery in California due to COVID-19. The session leveraged real-time data from LinkedIn for the State of California to help advise economic recovery and assist job seekers in our counties.
An audio recording of this webinar is available here.
PDF of Webinar Slides
Accessing the $2 Trillion Recovery Fund for COVID-19: How to Prepare Your County for FEMA Disaster Declaration Reimbursement
Friday, April 10, 2020
CSAC joined with our Corporate Partner Witt O’Brien’s to present on how to access the $2 trillion recovery fund for COVID-19. The webinar highlighted first steps for counties in need of a plan for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reimbursements. Featured topics included key deadlines, documentation and reimbursable costs.
A recording of this webinar is available here.
PDF of Webinar Q&A